Architects from La Salle are trained in a respectful Architecture, well projected and well constructed, thank to the teacher's profile, architects and professionals that have great prestige and a “differential” way of understanding Architecture.
HORARIO: Monday to Friday from 8 to 14h and practices some afternoons
La Salle-Ramon Llull University Official Bachelor Degree
You can gain admittance to this Bachelor’s Degree:
- From High School if you have passed the University Access Exam. (PAU for the name in Spanish)
- From a Superior Level Training Cycle. (CFGS for the name in Spanish)
- If you have started a Bachelor’s Degree and you want to continue studying it at La Salle (expedient transfer): if you have studied a degree that is not official in Spain, you must validate at least 30 credits, or obtain the equivalence on your academic credentials and do the University Access Exam (PAU) at the UNED, or accredit your studies by the UNED if you come from the EHEA.
- If you are in possession of a university degree.
- If you have done the University Access Exam for 25 years old or for 45 years old.
- If you are a student from the European Union or from any country that has an international agreement that may apply to this situation: you have to fulfill the academic requirements to access to University that the educative system of the country you are studying in demands and accredit the University Access Exam (PAU) at la UNED (
- Those bachelor's students with partial or finished studies from a foreign university, must bring a certificate from the university in their country which
- indicates that their degree is official in that country.
- If you fulfill any of these requirements you can start the Admission Process of any of the courses at La Salle.
- Students completing all the credits will receive the Degree in Architecture from Ramon Llull Un
- The architect education is based in the learning process of how to develop and construct projects.
- The architecture’s action field is very diverse and includes design, restoration, rehabilitation of buildings and its urban environment, landscape, indoor designing and building details, calculation and structures designing and facilities, etc.
- The Architecture School promotes a close relationship between teacher and students; we try to bring the professional reality closer to students by developing projects until the execution stage.
- The first year for Building Engineering and Architecture is the same. This will help you to define what you want to study without having to change of University.
- The architecture’s action field is very diverse and includes design, restoration, rehabilitation of buildings and its urban environment, landscape, indoor designing and building details, calculation and structures designing and facilities, etc.
- The Architecture School promotes a close relationship between teacher and students; we try to bring the professional reality closer to students by developing projects until the execution stage.
- The first year for Building Engineering and Architecture is the same. This will help you to define what you want to study without having to change of University.